We are very proud to share our appearance in two leading industry reports over the past few months.
Firstly, the Econsultancy Top 100 Digital Agencies Report 2018. Now in its 16th year, the report ranks digital and creative agencies based on their digital fee income, after any media buying costs have been deducted.
Along with the agency ranking, the report is packed with insight into our industry, including changing trends in various disciplines for example, where user experience and technical development work both show strong growth.
We have never featured in the report before, and with global players such as Accenture Interactive and IBM iX in there, we are extremely proud to have made the top 100.
A few months later, we also ranked in The Drum’s Independent Agency Census, which celebrates indie companies such as us, and ranks them according to a number of financial metrics.
The headline statistics paint an exciting picture for the industry, with agencies on average boasting a 24.5% growth figure.
Again, this is the first time we have appeared on this report, and it’s great to benchmark ourselves against our fellow agencies. We’re also excited to see how we compare again next year…